Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hydraulic Reservoir or Tank Size Calculation

Hydraulic Reservoir design and implementation is very important in hydraulic systems as the efficiency of a well-designed hydraulic circuit can be greatly reduced by poor tank design. In addition to fluid storage, a well-designed reservoir also dissipates heat, allows time for contamination to drop out of the fluid, and allows air bubbles to come to the surface and dissipate. It may give a positive pressure to the pump inlet and makes a convenient mounting place for the pump and its motor and valves.

The accepted rule for sizing a tank = (3 to 5) X Q
Where 'Q' is the pump discharge rate.
This will allow sufficient time for oil to cool down before recirculation into the circuit. Also, include one or two baffles inside the tank to increase the path of fluid for better cooling.
Also, you need to check the heat dissipation capacity of tank with above calculated sizes to make sure it is sufficient enough to cool down the oil.

Head Dissipation, HD = 0.001 x (T1 - T2) x A
T1 = max. allowable fluid temperature (in degree F)
T2 = max. ambient air temperature (in degree F)
A = area of tank in contact with fluid (in sq. ft)

Heat dissipation is the main reason for having tank surfaces exposed to free air for better cooling.

I hope these two checks will be enough for a basic hydraulic tank design.

With best wishes,



Blogger M.P. RAMA RAO said...

it is very informative and precise for the calculation of reservoir .
M.P. RAMA RAO, , mpramarao57@gmail.com

September 21, 2011 at 3:30 AM  
Blogger M.P. RAMA RAO said...

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September 21, 2011 at 3:31 AM  
Blogger Dupont Hydro Industries said...

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September 29, 2011 at 6:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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November 18, 2013 at 11:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is one of my favorite topics in engineering systems design (they don’t call me the “Energy Zarr” without reason). In fact, I often rant about waste in solving a problem with brute force. Now… with that said, sometimes a hammer is more effective when dealing with a nail, but in general, what goes in, must come out… and most of what comes out is heat. Take the quintessential LCD display like the 60” version sitting in your living room. That beauty has white LEDs for a back-light so it must be “green” right? Well, did you know that up to 80% of the light emitted by those LEDs is absorbed by the color filters on the LCD glass? It might be “thin” but it is definitely not efficient with the back-light energy. Technologies such as OLED or Sequential Frame LCD (SFLCD) do not use filters. OLEDs are self emitting and draw zero power when off. SFLCD technology still uses a back-light, but they are RGB LEDs. Each color frame (red, green, blue) is switched at such a high speed that the eye integrates the image into the proper colors. Each pixel is now larger and brighter with less power. How much less? Try 80 watts for an SFLCD TV versus 350 watts for the traditional LCD. Energy currently is a limited resource, so innovate where you can to save it.

June 26, 2014 at 5:19 AM  

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